” I have trekked for the last 13years despite my ill health from cancer, diabetes and allergies. Through trekking, I have acquired a gift of healing power from the holy spirit whereby Iam able to pray over the sick and they get healed. The most issue i have met in my trekking is persecution. I recall of a time i was abused beaten and undressed because of my gifts from which people mistake me to be awitch. I have refused to give up because even Jesus was beaten to death.” says Zahura
As the 3rd June draws closer, Christians are yet again excited to commemorate the faith of the first christians in Uganda.
Rose Zahura kirinju Omuramagi 80, from Kitumbi Parish, has revealed he readiness to gladly participate in the long trek to Namugongo. This will be marking her 14th time to be part of the long yet fruitful journey.
Rose Zahura narrating her life of trekking
Her inspiration to trek
Zahura notes that at 67, she decided to walk to Namugongo as a way of offering her ill health to God. Her illness is as old as 30 years, but disapperars each time she treks to Namugongo.
Kirinju, recalls her first time long journey as a painfull one that almost made her giveup along the way. However she finally reached the venue and surprisingly returned without any harm.
This year, was not in Kirinju’s plan to trek as she had decided to go by vehicle due to her weakening health. She however notes, that she is overwhelmed by the relevance given to her by different media houses, including journalists from headquartes at Namugongo.
Kirinju believes all these are holy spirit’s plans and she would not wish to object God
Blessings acquired by zahura
- The 80 year old confesses that she has acquireed anumber of gifts from her 13 years of trekking including recognition from President Museveni, a diploma from Rome (certificate of recognition) from Bishop Muhiirwa.
- Spiritually, she reveals her giftedness in praying over people with theguide of the holy spirit. Her faith has also transformed many people in Bwamba who have always seen her as arole model
- She ran and won a marathon race at her age, and was rewarded a radio by Fr. Frederick Waako of Jubilee Radio
- Kirinju’s health she says has since a bit stabilized saying that she was reffered to India for cancer operation at 400 million which she never had, but rather opted to pray a reason she is still surving even without money.
Problems faced
Zahura says that along the way, trekkerr are often insulted and regarded as people with nothing to do, some people’s health detoriate and hardly make it to Namugongo, harsh weather, but with the help of holy spirit,they are able to overcome.
Fort Portal Namugongo pilgrimage.
Mean while, the Fort Portal diocese Pilgrims walking to Namugongo are set to flag off on Monday 23rd may 2022.
Pilgrims schedue
23rd May, flag off from Virika cathedral at 3pm.
24th May, arrive at kayihura villa Maria in the morning, and leave in the evening
25th May, arrive at Rwibale catholic Church, Butunduzi Parish
26th May, arrive at kibuye catholic church Wekomire Parish.
27th May, arrive at Mubende NTC
28th May, arrive at Kiganda Catholic Parish
29th May, arrive at Kiyinda Mityana Cathedral Parish
30th May, arrive at Nswanjjere Seminary
31st May, arrive at Busega Catholic Parish, where pilgrims will depart from there on the same night, and arrive at Naalya at around 9am.
1st June, departure from Naalya for triumphat entry to Namugongo led by Bishop Muhiirwa and the VIP.