The Bishop of Ruwenzori diocese Rt.Rev. Rauben Kisembo Amooti, has appealed to the youth to embrace discipline and focus on developmental programs if they are to benefit from the many opportunities surrounding human growth.
He made the appeal on saturday October 1, while giving his summon to congregants gathered the fundraising drive for the purchase of a youth departmental vehicle, at St. John’s cathedral, Ruwenzori diocese- Fort Portal city.
Bishop Kisembo, warned the youth on the very function, to do away with destructive behavior including drug abuse, sexual immorality, and greed for quick money.
Fundraising yields 69.8 million
As part of the possible solutions to foster development among the Ruwenzori Youth, Rev. Isaac Mwandara the diocesan youth worker ruwenzori diocese, stated that securing a double-cabin reportedly worth 150 million could possibly help in transporting the Youth to the hard to reach areas as they carry out business.
According to the youth report, poor transport has hindered proper planning and implementation of their projects. He said the vehicle would thus be used to to transport the youth and their products from areas of production, to market places
The soliciting of the funds to secure the Ruwenzori youth vehicle was therefore officially launched on October 1, 2022.
The fundraising drive was honored by distinguished guests including Hon.Linda Irene Nyinabarongo, Hon.Beatrace Kiraso, Chairperson Richard Rwabuhinga among others, who played a pivotal role in raising a total contribution of 69.8million Shillings towards the cause.
Fort City Woman MP message to the Youth
Hon.Linda Irene Mugisa, a Fort Portal tourism city woman Mp, doubling as a chief guest for the very fundraising representing the Rt. Hon Speaker Annet Anita Among, revealed that the available 34% of Ugandans are the the youth, who can barely share equal opportunities adequately, unless public institutions like religious institutions set up initiatives to benefit the Youth.
According to Hon. Linda, the Ruwenzori diocese has led exemplary by fronting a project to benefit the income of the youth youth.
She also advised that the youth must look out for the vast opportunities available in the many government programs like Parish development model, and Emyooga to utilize the money provided accordingly in developing their projects.
Among commends youth Vehicle project
The Fort City woman Mp, conveyed speaker Among’s apology who couldn’t attend physically due to urgent state commitments, before revealing her contribution of 50 Million shillings towards the cost of the vehicle.
The speaker in her message, lauded Rev. Isaac Mwandara the diocesan youth worker of Ruwenzori diocese for tirelessly devoting to such a noble cause, and pledged to continue supporting such productive causes.
Among also thanked Bishop Kisembo for for choosing her and entrusting the role of chief guest to her of such a great function