Guild presidential election:MMU in gears

Mountains of the moon University prepares to kick off 2022 elections, candidates embark on various activities as they lay strategies to the success of the election


As mountains of the moon university prepare to kick off this year’s
guild elections, Rollan Komuhimbo one of the guild president aspirants
has embarked on encouraging students on innovations and skills
According to Rollan, now days so many young girls and boys are lacking
what to do because they don’t have any hand skills thus coming up with
an initiative of teaching students how to make compound pavers.
Our reporter has visited  one of the university hostels located in
Mugoma, Kibimba in Fort-portal city and found a number of students
engaged in making of paver’s out of polythene bags and plastic
Rollan says that this initiative will see students grow in innovation
and it was started in 2019 until now
She says there is need of support from government and local leaders to
support local innovation

Some students that are participating in the making of pavers expressed
appreciation to Rollan Komuhimbo for her outstanding position in
helping students in the fight against unemployment

At Mountains of the Moon University campaigns kick off and
mobilization is ongoing. Elections are expected in March 2022

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