Abakaiso baitu Abahikiriire aba Uganda, omu bantu baitu boona, ninywe mwabaire b’okubanza kuhayo obwomeezi habw’Enyikiriza ya Kristo, n’engeso z’obukristo.
Kwehayo kwanyu, nk’omutumwa Petero mukooleka ngu, obu harukuba haroho encwamu y’okukora “kuhurra Ruhanga, kukira kuhurra abantu.”
N’omu bwire bw’okufa, obu mukaba nimucanzibwa, nimwitwa kubi, habw’okugonza Ruhanga, mukaganyira abo ababaisire!
Esagama yanyu ekaba nk’ensigo, eyazaire ebikumi n’ebikumi eby’Abakristo, abamwabeeriire ky’okurorraho.
Abakira obwingi mukaba mukyali bato, baitu amagezi, kwetegereza, n’obumanzi bwanyu, ebyarugire hali Mwoyo wa Mukama, nibyo byabakonyire, kugumiisiriza enaku zoona, habwa Kristo, ayafiire habwaitu.
Habweki, itwe aba Uganda ob’obusumi bunu, tubatwara nk’abaisiitwe omu kwikiriza. Obu mwemeriire, omu kitiinisa, omu maiso g’ekitebe ky’Omukama owa haiguru muno, nitubeseengereza, naitwe mutusabire.
Abantu mwakonyiire habw’okuseesa esagama yanyu, hati bali omu kwebaganizaamu, kwegonza, kutafaaho, obutiini, tibarukukorra omu mazima n’omu bwinganiza; obwimukirro bw’okutuhwerekereza. Mbere muli omw’Iguru, mutukonyere, tusobole kurwanirra obumu, obwenda, n’okuganyirangana. Esagama erukuseeswa bwire bunu, ebe nk’eyanyu, gube muhanda gw’okwegarukamu n’okuganyirangana. Mube harubaju rwaitu, obu turukulengaho kwebundaaza n’okwefubira habw’ebibi byaitu n’ebibi by’Ihanga lyaitu.
Leka Nyina itwe Maria Empikirre, aheyo eby’etaago byaitu, hali Ruhanga Isiitwe Omunyambabazi, ew’engonzi nyingi. Kunu nukwo kwesengereza kwaitu, okuturukuhayo hali Isiitwe nituraba omu Mujuni kandi Omucunguzi waitu Yesu Kristo Mukama waitu. Amiina. (Adopted from Sing and Praise)
Isiitwe ali omu iguru …
Mirembe Maria …
Ekitiinisa kibe hali Isiitwe..
Tukabatizibwa kandi Twatumwa Kujurra Kristo n’Engonzi n’Okunihira
English Version:
Holy Martyrs of Uganda, you were the first from among our people to freely offer your lives for the sake of your Christian faith and of your moral principles. By your sacrifice, like the Apostle Peter, you showed that, when the choice has to be made, “It is better to obey God rather than men”.
Even as you were dying a cruel and unjust death, your love for God made you forgive your murderers.
Your blood did not call for more blood, but became the seed from which generations of Christians have drawn life and inspiration.
Most of you were young in age, but the ageless wisdom and courage that come from the spirit of God made you endure all things for the sake of Christ, who died for us all. Because of this, we, Ugandans of today, look at you as our fathers in the faith.
As you stand in glory before the throne of God the Most High, we beseech you to intercede for us.
The people you have generated with your blood, is in deep sorrow: division, selfishness, indifference, fear, hatred, dishonesty, corruption and violence are destroying us. From your heavenly home, inspire us to practice unity, generosity and forgiveness.
May the blood which is being shed today be, like yours, a channel of conversion and reconciliation. Be at your side as we humbly atone for our own personal sins and the sins of our nation. (Adopted from Sing and Praise)
May the loving hands of our Blessed Mother offer your petitions on our behalf to the God of love and Mercy.
This is the plea that we, your brothers and sisters, offer to Him in the name of our Redeemer and Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father ….
Hail Mary ….
Glory be to the Father..
Baptized and Sent to Witness Christ with Love and Hope
# Fortportal leads Martyr’s day 2022.
Thanks be to Almighty God for fort portal diocese take lead of the uganda martyrs celebration after spending long with out leading,we hope and pray to God that he should guide,help,council and protect us thru this celebration as he fulfils our needs and desires in Christ Jesus.We pray to God to always be on the side of our Bishop for him to succeed in this celebration,#Akiiki Bishop muhirwa fort portal diocese in the lead of uganda martyrs celebration on 3rd,June,2022.