The Woman MP Fort Portal City Hon Linda Irene Mugisa has warned implementers of Parish Development Model (PDM) against disbursing funds to the rich citizens yet the program was intended to benefit the active poor Ugandans out of the subsistence economy into the money economy.
According to Hon. Linda, women who have businesses should apply for (GROW) project funds (Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises) that responds to the needs of women entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses, sustain their self-employment and create more jobs. She says under GROW project, women can receive up to 200million shillings.
The Legislature was addressing residents of Gweri Ward during a meeting aimed at discussing development in the area held at Buheesi Village Trading Center North Division.
On Nurturing of Children, Hon Linda emphasized the need for parents to guard against violence in homes as this leads to poor nurturing of children which results into immoral behaviors in future. She called for sexual education, train youths on their roles and responsibilities basing on their sex (boys and girls) to prepare them for peaceful marriages in future.
Betty Mujungu Pendo the City Deputy Mayor Fort Portal pledged to intensify sensitization meetings in the area to create awareness on the dangers of gender based violence and negative effects that can cause to families.