Pope Francis has called upon all Christians to persevere generously in doing good to the world. This call has been made in his written message for Lent 2022, under theme “Let’s not get tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest”
The Holy Father goes on to appeal to Christians to sow goodness their entire lives most especially during Lent, just like God does.
His holiness Pope Francis
In the same message the pope notes that we need to pray because we need God, and anything other than this is dangerous. He highlights that active participation in charity and giving the needy, poor and the rejected joyfully are vital activities in this season.
The Pope, notes that doing good with love, justice and solidarity should not be done once but rather should be realized daily.
According to the Holy father, sowing goodness for the benefit of others, sets us free from selfish interests and attaches us to God’s Plan.
He thus appeals to all Christians and non Christians to withstand doing good noting that it will pay off in many unexpected ways.
Also in a tweet, The Pope requested brethren to Pray for Peace Ukraine.
Today we enter the time of #Lent. Our prayer and fasting will be a plea for #peace in #Ukraine, bearing in mind that peace in the world always begins with our personal conversion, following Christ.