Sylvia Kugonza
About 30 clan heads have given a wide berth to King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukiidi IV’s 27th Coronation anniversary, at Karuziika palace in Fort Portal city.

The clan heads were headed by Reverend Willy Kintu Muhanga the representative of the Abamoli clan in Tooro kingdom supreme council, doubling as chairperson clan heads committee.
Rev. Kintu revealed that the clan head’s action of boycotting this year’s coronation anniversary, is a fulfillment of a decision they took recently, to showcase their dissatisfaction over the governance of the kingdom.
Among the clans who turned their back on yesterday’s coronation anniversary dubbed as Empango, includes Abeeri, Abamooli, Abaitiira, Abatenzi, Abaliisa, Abagorongwa, Abaihangwe Abachwama among others.
Oyo was accused of not following the criteria
The clan heads, accuse king Oyo of flouting the procedure of choosing a prime minister and speaker of the Kingdom supreme council which they claim is an abrogation of the 1999 constitution that governs the kingdom.
According to their petition, clan heads showed their dissatisfaction with how Mr. Julius Mwirumubi, the Tooro kingdom supreme council Speaker was handpicked by the king instead of being elected by the council members.
Furthermore, the petition indicates how the king didn’t follow the right procedure while appointing the new prime minister Rt. Hon. Stephen Kiyingi, a reason the king must address their grievances with genuine consideration.
Clan heads speak out
Reverend willy Kintu Muhanga, told reporters that the clan heads had petitioned the King on September 4 2022, citing a number of anomalies undertaken while appointing the new prime minister of the Kingdom Owek. Steven Kiyingi and Owek. Julius Mwirumbi as speaker of the Kingdom supreme council, however, the king adamantly refused to respond to the concerns of the clan heads.
Muhanga says the Tooro Kingdom is built on a strong foundation of the clans which make up the kingdom however the king doesn’t respect the opinions of the Tooro kingdom supreme council and the clan leaders upon which he derives power to govern the institution, it was from this background he noted that they will not stop at boycotting the coronation anniversary however they will continue to seek legal redress to bring the kingdom back to order.
Religious leaders ask Oyo to Review the Kingdom constitution
According to religious leaders from the Tooro region, King Oyo should consider reviewing the kingdom constitution for better governance in the kingdom.
About the constitution
In 2015 during the supreme council, King Oyo appointed an eight-member committee to amend some sections of the constitution, but did not specify particular areas that should be amended.
Yesterday during the thanksgiving service for the 27th coronation anniversary held at Karuzika palace Fort Portal city, the Bishop of the Ruwenzori diocese, Rueben Kisembo Amooti, noted that Tooro kingdom needs a proper constitution to guide governance in harmony, and calmness.
Bishop Kisembo, who also spoke on behalf of religious leaders, said that in case the constitution is reviewed, there will hardly be any misunderstandings in the kingdom.
According to religious leaders, those against the kingdom’s constitution should calm down and have a peace talk with the kingdom instead of defiance.
They have thus encouraged a section of people who are planning to drag the kingdom to court over the kingdom constitution to seat and harmonize with Kingdom leaders, claiming that fracas in the kingdom is not necessary.
public warned about HIV/Aids
The very religious leaders, have also tasked the public to fight against the fast-spreading HIV in the kingdom whereby Kabarole and Fort Portal reportedly have the highest HIV prevalence rate in the country.
Oyo calls for oneness
His royal majesty King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, has asked his subjects to speak the same evolution language language as one way of fostering development in the kingdom.

The king has also disclosed that the kingdom is set to focus on the 25 development plan that was launched last year which included promoting tourism, Agriculture, skilling the Youths, Health among others.